Dear family and friends,
I would like to thank all of you who supported me during my mission trip to East Asia. I am thankful that God used all of you to make this trip possible for me and encourage me before and while I was there. Thank you so much for the prayers that you prayed on behalf of me, my team, the nation, the people we reached, and the university. I know that all the prayers were
very effective because I saw God do some amazing things in East Asia.
I arrived back in town on August 4th and went camping with my family, went to Texas, and am now back in San Luis Obispo looking for a job and getting ready for school. It was great having some time to relax after the trip and take in all of what God did through my team.
To begin with, God protected us in many ways while we were there. We actually had several situations after first arriving which showed us that God was in control and would protect us while in the country. The first week ministry went very well. We met a lot of nationals (friends) and were able to begin having some interesting conversations with them. The second week God continued to do some amazing things through our conversations and we actually saw the first person accept Christ at the beginning of the week. By the end of the week about 15 people had accepted Christ. One of my friends, Bob, accepted Christ on Friday of the second week. It was incredible to see the process that God brought him through in order to accept Christ. I knew he didn't believe in God, and went to lunch with him one day to talk more about it. My team and I were praying for him and the conversation. By the end of lunch he had a possible idea that God existed and was interested in more. We went the meditation pools to talk some more and God lead the conversation in an incredible direction. He told me about his life, difficulties and his hope. I was able to bring up parts of my testimony and the gospel. When I asked him if he wanted to know Christ, he said yes and I went through the four spiritual laws with him. Then we prayed and he accepted Christ. It blows my mind to realize that his name is now written in the Book of Life because of what God did through me. Hallelujah to the Lord!
The rest of the trip was incredible as we continued to make friends and share. By the end 34 people accepted Christ into their lives and we met 11 Christian people that were already on campus. God is surely using that campus to further His name and has a magnificent presence there. The country is thirsty and God's word is the answer.
Please continue to pray for our friends and the team that is now over there for a year working with the students. Please pray that God will continue to draw more people to him, that he will teach the ones that have accepted Him, and that He will equip and strengthen the team. Thank you so much brothers and sisters for your prayers and concern on behalf of the country in East Asia. I am confident that because of our prayers God is moving.
I hope all of you are well and that God is blessing your lives. I love you all and look forward from hearing from you whenever that may be. Take Care and God bless.
Eternally His,
Alan Michael Tonissen